Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Happy New Year from our team at Fitnessed! We hope this year brings you good health, happiness, and plenty of opportunities to reach your fitness goals. As we look back on the past year, we are grateful for your support and for the opportunity to help you on your...

Truth or Myth: “Eating late at night causes obesity”

Truth or Myth: “Eating late at night causes obesity”

Have you ever heard that you shouldn't eat past a certain time of day or you will gain weight? Somewhere along the way we've been told that we shouldn't eat after 7 p.m. or we will pack on the pounds. This is a common misconception. Our bodies need fuel constantly,...

10 Reasons to Consider Hiring a Personal Trainer

10 Reasons to Consider Hiring a Personal Trainer

If you are just starting out with an exercise program or you aren't seeing results with your current routine, a personal trainer might be able to help. You can weigh the possible benefits and expenses to decide if it's a good choice for you. People work with trainers...

What are benefits of exercise?

What are benefits of exercise?

We have all heard it many times before - regular exercise is good for you, and it can help you lose weight. But if you are like many people, you are busy, you have a sedentary job, and you haven't yet changed your exercise habits. The good news is that it's never too...


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